
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Conan O'Brien's $1.5 Million Bugatti Veyron Mouse - Bugatti

Apple Unveiling "Latest Creation"

the original video

Conan O'Brien leaving NBC, gives them the middle finger

Conan O'Brien's New Sidekick: The Bugatti Veyron complete video

Last night, Conan O’Brien introduced a new series of skits as he concludes his final week as host of “The Tonight Show.”

“For the rest of the week, we’re going to introduce new comedy bits that aren’t so much funny as they are crazy expensive,” he said before revealing a Bugatti Veyron, dressed up to look like a mouse, with “Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones playing in the background.

“Let me ask you a question,” he says, standing in front of the ridiculous, yet strangely convincing Bugatti Veyron mouse. “Is this appropriate music for a car that looks like a mouse? No! Does it add anything at all to this comedy bit? No, it doesn’t! Is it crazy expensive to play on the air — not to mention the rights to re-air this clip on the Internet?” Clearly.

Skip to 1:30 for the Veyron bit.
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John Edwards admits paternity of Rielle Hunter's full video

The news -- first reported by Lisa Meyers on "The Today Show" -- that former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards has acknowledged fathering a child with his mistress is both sadly expected and devoid of any real political impact.

Edwards, after repeated denials on the campaign trail in 2008, said in a statement this morning that "I am Quinn's father", adding: "It was wrong for me ever to deny she was my daughter and hopefully one day, when she understands, she will forgive me."

Edwards' decision to acknowledge his paternity of a child with mistress Rielle Hunter comes just days before the expected release of a tell-all book penned by Andrew Young, a former Edwards aide who initially said that he was the father of Hunter's child.

The practical political effect of this admission is close to zero. Edwards' political career was over the minute he was forced to admit that he had repeatedly lied about an extramarital affair with Hunter.

Edwards' admission this morning seems likely to -- finally -- brings an end to a saga that has captured the public's attention for the better part of the last 18 months.

It is also a sordid final chapter in a political life that began with such promise just over a decade ago when Edwards ousted Sen. Lauch Faircloth (R) in a Senate race in the Tarheel State in 1998.

Just six years later, Edwards launched a longshot bid for president but caught on with Iowa voters who propelled him to a surprising second place finish in the Iowa caucuses. He performed so well on the campaign trail that Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry chose Edwards as his vice presidential running mate for the 2004 general election.

After the ticket's loss, Edwards never stopped running -- working to re-position himself to the ideological left by apologizing for his vote in favor of the Iraq war resolution and cozying up to organized labor.

Despite his proven strength in Iowa, Edwards was never able to compete financially with then Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2008 presidential contest.

Prior to the revelations regarding his affair, he was mentioned as a possible Attorney General in the Obama Administration although those close to the President insist Edwards was never on their radar for the post.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Special Report' Panel on Impending Massachusetts Election

This is a rush transcript of "Special Report With Bret Baier" from January 18, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


MARTHA COAKLEY, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR U.S. SENATE: I think the president has come here because he knows that I'm going to win tomorrow and he is trying to get that message out.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: I would think long and hard about getting in that truck with Martha's opponent.


It might not take you where you want to go.

Look, forget the ads, everybody can run slick ads. Forget the truck. Everybody can buy a truck.


SCOTT BROWN, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR U.S. SENATE: We have some very serious economic problems where people are hurting. Unfortunately, because of some of the policies that are happening in Washington, people can't afford to buy trucks.


BRET BAIER, HOST: The sights and sounds there of the Massachusetts Senate race for the special election. And this comes on a day when we have five new polls released. Of the five polls here, and there you can see them all, there is one poll that is tied, one has a spread of ten points for the Republican Scott brown. The average of the five polls, however, 51 percent for Brown, Coakley at 44.8 percent.

Remember, this is a special election for a seat that no one thought could be anything but a Democrat's this year.

Where are we now? Let's bring in our panel. Steve Hayes, senior writer for the Weekly Standard, we welcome Susan Milligan, she is the national political correspondent for The Boston Globe, and syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer.

Susan, welcome to the panel.


'Special Report' Panel on Impending Massachusetts Election
'Special Report' Panel on Senate Race in Massachusetts; Key 2010 Battlegrounds
'Special Report' Panel on Obama's Big Bank Tax
'Special Report' Panel on Relief Efforts in Haiti After Devastating Earthquake
'Special Report' Panel on National Implications of Massachusetts Senate Race
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BAIER: Let's start with you. What about these polls and the situation for Martha Coakley?

MILLIGAN: I think the situation for Martha Coakley is pretty dire. People in Massachusetts are frustrated and angry. Conservatives are very angry. Liberals and a lot of the young voters are dispirited, they don't like the way things have been going. They wanted to see more progress in Washington, and she has to turn those people out.

I think if she gets them turned out she can pull this out, but she is in real trouble here.

BAIER: Charles, this race?

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: The empirical evidence, all the polls are pointing towards the Republican success here. Secondly, the anecdotal evidence, the lawn signs, the bumper stickers, enthusiasm of the crowds that there is a huge difference in intensity.

However, it is Massachusetts. It is a state that this Kennedy seat has been in the family since 1952. And also remember, in the one national race in November, New York, 2003, there was a conservative who came out of nowhere who was ahead in the polls up by five on Election Day, Doug Hoffman, and he lost by four in the actual elections.

So the reason that it's extremely hard to model with the computer the turnout in a special election, particularly an off year. Off year election, and particularly one, as scrambled and crazy as this one in which a president arrives two days before and in which it is basically the president of the United States up against Curt Schilling — hope and change against the bloody sock. It's hard to predict.

BAIER: Yes. You mentioned Curt Schilling. A lot of people are saying health care reform obviously is at the basis of this race. However, this candidate, Martha Coakley, analysts on both sides of the aisle say she has not exactly been a great candidate. You mentioned Curt Schilling. Take a look at this little exchange.


COAKLEY: If we weren't so close Rudy Giuliani wouldn't have come either. And besides, he's a Yankee fan, I just want people to know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Scott Brown is Curt Schilling, OK.

COAKLEY: And another Yankee fan.



Haiti earthquake: Tuesday news

Look here for news updates on the aftermath of a 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti. All times are Haiti local time, which is the same as Eastern Standard Time in the U.S. and five hours behind GMT.

(CNN) -- Tuesday, January 19

11:05 a.m. -- As of Monday, charities had raised more than $210 million in donations for Haiti earthquake relief, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, a newspaper covering nonprofit organizations. The estimate is based on a survey of 25 charities contributing the largest amounts of money to Haiti. How you can help

10:23 a.m. -- Several helicopters from the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne Division landed Tuesday on the grounds of the ruined presidential palace in Port-au-Prince. It was not immediately clear what their mission was.

Cayman Islands Earthquake Shakes Region Still Further continue

The Cayman Islands were hit by 5.8-magnitude earthquake which struck Tuesday at 9:23 AM EST. The quake's epicenter was 40 miles form the capital, George Town at a depth of 6.2 miles, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

The Cayman Islands earthquake is just the latest in the Caribbean Region, which is still recovering from the Haiti earthquake of a week ago.

On Monday, a 6.0 earthquake hit Guatemala and parts of El Salvador. In that earthquake, however, no damage was reported. At this time there have been no reports of more than minor damage or any injuries in the Cayman Island earthquake event.

The Cayman Islands are a three-island chain in the Caribbean. George Town is on the western shore of Grand Cayman Island. The other islands are Cayman Brac, and Little Cayman, and they are located south of Cuba and northwest of Jamaica.

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Monday, January 18, 2010

More Entertainment: 2010 Award Shows

Glee at The 36th Annual Peoples Choice Awards 2010

Look Who's Singing: Kate Hudson, Daniel Day Lewis
"Nine" is latest big-screen musical to let actors show off their pipes.
VIDEO: Movie trailer for Avatar.
WATCH: 'Avatar'
A band of humans are pitted against a distant planet's indigenous population.

Golden Globes Big Winners ('Avatar') and Losers (NBC)

Cameron's `Avatar' Wins Best Drama Honor at Globes
`Avatar' wins drama honor at Globes; Bullock, Bridges, Streep, Downey among acting winners

Glee,' 'Dexter,' Meryl Streep Also Cleaned Up at Ricky Gervais-Hosted Golden Globes
The Golden Globes: Hollywood's first, fat fete of the year, set the tone for the awards show season that often feels about as long as the average red carpet.

Ricky Gervais uses role as awards show host to joke about NBC and Mel Gibson.

They're usually free-wheeling and fun. This year was no exception, thanks to host Ricky Gervais.

The British comedian brought a bit of much needed levity to the annual Hollywood love-fest. He set the tone for the night, allowing (most) actors to laugh at themselves and take their frustrations out on a common target: NBC.

CLICK HERE to see the best and worst dressed stars on the Golden Globes' red carpet.

Gervais took full advantage of the Conan O'Brien/Jay Leno late night TV brouhaha to bash both Leno and the network on which his show airs -- conveniently, the same network that aired the Golden Globes.

"I will be making the most of this opportunity," he said at the top of the show. "I'm not used to these sort of viewing figures. Let's face it, neither is NBC."

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Latest Haiti news

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on her way to Haiti as the country struggles to deliver desperately needed aid. The U.S. has mobilized $48 million in food assistance. FULL STORY

Haiti on the plight of the country's orphaned children. Many are seriously injured, all are in need of care as doctors and relief workers try to cope in the aftermath of this week's earthquake.

* Latest updates on Haiti | Twitter
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* CNN TV Live from Haiti | Full Coverage

Latest Haiti news

* Doctors leave hospital, victims
* Where bodies go after disasters
* Techies brainstorm ways to help
* 'Towns absolutely destroyed'
* Aid teams told to be self-sufficient
* Aid efforts hindered in critical hours
* Mass graves found near Haitian capital
* Opinion: Haiti is not Katrina
* Impact Your World | How you can help

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Critic's Choice Awards 2010

Jeff Bridges's Acting Secret: Häagen-Dazs

Originally posted 01/16/2010 10:20AM

To get into character as hard-living country legend Bad Blake in Crazy Heart, Jeff Bridges brushed up on his skills as a musician – and consumed more than his fair share of junk food.

"Normally I watch what I eat. I feel better when I'm in shape and not too overweight," the star told PEOPLE at Sunday's New York Times Arts & Leisure Weekend. "When you're playing a part like [this] ... If you feel like a pint of Häagen-Dazs, you hammer the Häagen-Dazs."

Turning to food to get into character is nothing new for the celebrated actor. "It's something I always do," Bridges, 60, , who nabbed a Critics' Choice Award Friday, explained. "You think of the physicality of the character and what kind of food you need to help create the physical shape you're looking for."

Doppelganger Kris Kristofferson, whose looks and legend Bridges channeled for the role enjoyed the actor's look-alike performance and joked about sharing screen time in the future.

"We saw the movie together and Kris laughed at how much I reminded him of him," said Bridges. "We looked in the mirror and said, 'We gotta play brothers, man! We had a good laugh.' "

Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock Seal Tie for Best Actress with a Kiss

Pop the champagne and raise a glass! It may have just been the first big awards show of the year, but Sandra Bullock and Meryl Streep shared a win – and a kiss – at the 15th Annual Critics' Choice Movie Awards in Hollywood, making for an entertaining night.

"This is bulls---," Bullock said jokingly Friday before lip-locking with Streep, whom she shared best actress honors with (she for the Blind Side and Streep for Julie and Julia). The tie was an obvious surprise, but as the audience cheered, Bullock exclaimed: "This is an honor."

Later in Bullock's acceptance speech, she referred to similar parallels between her and her co-winner, saying that she loves "food and sex like Meryl. ... That's how similar we are. You guys just didn't notice it until now." Bullock ended her speech by admitting, "Meryl is a good kisser."

Presented by the Broadcast Film Critics Association, the Critics' Choice is considered an accurate prediction of Oscar winners. The Hurt Locker emerged as the big winner of the night taking home two top awards (best picture of the year and best director). Director Katherine Bigelow's win made her the first female ever to take best director honors at this awards ceremony – something that would too make history at the Academy Awards. She received a standing ovation from ex-husband and fellow nominee, Avatar's James Cameron.

Unprecedented Donations for the American Red Cross Haiti Earthquake Fund

Cellphone users in the United States have contributed more than $9 million to the American Red Cross Haitian earthquake relief fund, an unprecedented amount, according to spokeswoman Nadia Pontif. The donations came from more than 900,000 mobile phone users, and are apparently fueled by Facebook and Twitter, where users are urging one another to make donations using cellphones. American First Lady Michelle Obama made a made a Public Service Announcement herself, asking people to join her in supporting the Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti:

“The images from Haiti are heart-breaking—homes, hospitals and schools destroyed; families searching for loved ones; parents trying to feed their children. But we can all do something. We can help the American Red Cross as it delivers the food, water and medicine that can save lives. Donate $10 by texting “HAITI” to 9-0-9-9-9. Visit or call 1-800-RED-CROSS. Thanks for your help.”

Mobile carriers Verizon, AT&T Inc, Sprint and T-Mobile USA, a unit of Deutsche Telekom AG, have waived fees for customers wishing to send mobile donations, and have reported that they are not taking a cut of the donations. All funds are going to the Red Cross in their entirety, although there might be some lags till they actually go from the donor to the charity. Jim Manis, chief executive officer of The Mobile Giving Foundation, said in a statement that donations can take 90 days to be delivered to a charity, and that currently the carriers are “working through a solution to push those funds out faster.”

Give on the Go, Yele’s mobile application service provider announced that Haiti-born hip-hop musician Wyclef Jean’s Yele Haiti Earthquake Fund has raised $2 million via text messages – cellphone users can donate $5 to this fund by texting the word “Yele” to 501501.

There are also other celebrities involved in the effort to help Haiti: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt who have donated $1 million from their foundation to Doctors Without Borders; Tiger Woods who was reported to donate $3 million to help with the recovery; actor George Clooney who will host a telethon on MTV next week to raise funds for the victims; Ben Stiller who raises money and awareness for the Save the Children’s Ceverine Community School Project in Haiti; Alyssa Milano who donated $50,000 to relief efforts in Haiti through UNICEF; Tea Leoni; UNICEF ambassador, who appeared on “Larry King Live” on January 13 to raise awareness for this cause; Chris Martin and many others.

Friday, January 15, 2010

New York Jets vs. San Diego Chargers 2010 NFL Playoff Predictions

San Diego Chargers 2010 NFL Playoff Predictions

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1 rushing attack in the NFL and they have the No. 1 defense in the league. But as they head to San Diego this week, they are still faced with plenty of ...
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One Million Dollars Raised By Wyclef Jean's Yele Organization for Haiti

As we reported earlier this week upon news of the devastating 7.0 earthquake that shook the nation of Haiti, stars in the Hip Hop world urged fans and listeners to contribute, cooperate and rally in support of the nation and its people. One of those stars was Haiti's Goodwill Ambassador Wyclef Jean who led with a call to action. Followers were urged to text "Yele" to 501501 in order to donate $5.

Give on the Go is the mobile communications company that helped coordinate this effort with Yele. Give on the Go's CEO Albe Angel recently spoke regarding this, noting that they have already obtained more than $1 million dollars in donations.

"Since the disaster occurred around 5 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday and [by] midnight [Wednesday] we cleared $1 million," he said, according to MTV. "These types of donations really were spawned by the [2004] tsunami relief effort, and the $1 million that Yele has raised already is a watershed event."

Other celebrities including DJ Whoo Kid, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have offered to help with efforts while President Barack Obama has pledged $100 million in aid from the United States.

Earthquake in Haiti: Desperate for aid, victims' anguish turns to rage, sparks looting

For the people of Haiti shock was giving way to despair and rage Friday as decaying bodies choked the streets of Port-au-Prince and aid workers struggled to distribute dwindling food, water and medical supplies.

As aid continued to pour into the devastated island nation, Cuba granted the U.S. government permission to fly through restricted air space on medical evacuation flights.

The deal, which pushes aside decades of Cold War animosity between Washington and Havana, will cut a precious 90 minutes off the one-way flight from Guantanamo to Haiti.

The air-bridge from Cuba could help open the logistical bottlenecks in Port-au-Prince that caused Haitians to receive just a trickle of aid as they face a fourth day of the earthquake crisis. United Nations peacekeepers patrolling the capital said people's anger is rising because aid hasn't been distributed quickly.

"I don't think that a word has been invented for what is happening in Haiti," said Liony Batista, the Food For the Poor project manager in Port-au-Prince."It is total disaster."

"We need food. The people are suffering. My neighbors and friends are suffering," Sylvain Angerlotte, 22, said. "We don't have money. We don't have nothing to eat. We need pure water."

An estimated 300,000 people have been left homeless with one in 10 homes in the capital destroyed, the UN said on Friday.

The U.N. World Food Program reported that its warehouses in the Haitian capital had been looted and it didn't know how much of its pre-quake stockpile of 15,000 tons of food aid remained.

Haitian police "are not visible at all," because many had to deal with lost homes and family members, said UN Mission spokesman David Wimhurst.

More than 300 troops of the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division arrived at the Port au Prince airport overnight and others have arrived in nearby waters on the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, Lt. Gen. Ken Keen told ABC's "Good Morning America."

"We have much more support on the way. Our priority is getting relief out to the needy people," he said.

About 5,500 U.S. soldiers and Marines are expected to be in Haiti by Monday. Their efforts will include providing security, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said.

The first U.S. military units are coordinating relief efforts at the airport. But since the 7.0-magnitude quake struck Tuesday, global efforts to deal within the disaster have been hampered by a damaged seaport and an airport that turned away civilian aid planes for eight hours Thursday because of a lack of space and fuel.

Teddy Pendergrass Dead At 59

PHILADELPHIA ( The lovers of soulful R&B music are mourning the loss of Teddy Pendergrass who recently passed away at a hospital in Philadelphia. The singer who rose to fame in the 1970s and 1980s had a melodious voice that enthralled the music lovers for decades. When the news Teddy Pendergrass dead at 59 spread on the web his fellow musicians and fans became overwhelmed with sorrow. They have already expressed their condolence on their social networking site accounts profusely. Last year the singer was diagnosed with life threatening colon cancer. He underwent a surgery but the recovery was not exactly smooth for him.

His music had a touch of sensuality that bordered on eroticism but never touched vulgarity. During his heyday the fans went crazy during his live stage shows and craved for his attention.The singer was nominated for the coveted Grammy awards for no less than 5 times in his life. His solo albums were bestsellers but his duets with stalwarts like Whitney Houston and Stephanie Mills also received good reviews from the critics and listeners alike. He had a lively nature and despite several adversities in his life never withdrew into a shell. That is why the news Teddy Pendergrass dead at 59 has made many of his fans sad.

The music lovers regret the news that Teddy Pendergrass is dead at 59. The way he bounced back on stage after his fatal car crash is remembered by many of his fans. He continued live performance and used a wheelchair on stage.
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Teddy pendergrass News

* Stephanie Mills Performance on Mo'nique Show
* Soul Star Pendergrass Dead At 59
* Teddy Pendergrass : Love T.K.O. Lyrics
* Teddy Pendergrass Car Accident 1982 Details, Dies at 59

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Soul Star Pendergrass Dead At 59

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January 14th, 2010 more images more images PHILADELPHIA ( Eminent singer Teddy Pendergrass who became the leading sex symbol of the R&B genre in the 1970s died at 59. The details of the death can be found in the fan sites.
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January 14th, 2010 more images PHILADELPHIA ( -- Teddy Pendergrass, one of the most popular R&B singer has died Wednesday from colon cancer. The music legend passed away only at the age of 59, at Bryn Mawr Hospital in Philadelphia, his home town.
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Well, you knew this was coming.
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Pat Robertson released a statement on his CBN website regarding the comments were taken out of context. The first comment began at 2:56 and the comments regarding Haiti’s pact with the devil begins at 6:29.

The statement released on the website said that Pat Robertson was speaking about Haiti’s history and the 1791 slave rebellion led by Dutty Boukman at Bois Caiman. According to the video, PatRobertson believes that Haiti has been cursed due to the Dutty Boukman treaty that sparked the Haitian Revolution and that is evidenced by the nation’s abject poverty.

Similar comments were made by some in the Christian Right movement following Hurricane Katrina. Former president George Bush’s wife, Barbara was called to task for comments that she made in a similar vein, stating that those who survived Katrina would be better off after the storm.
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'To Be Free ...' Remembering Teddy Pendergrass

There have been two men in soul music whose presence on the mic could stop a wild animal in its tracks - let alone a love-starved woman: "The Wicked" Wilson Pickett and Theodore "Teddy Bear" Pendergrass.

The latter was a ferociously reverent soul singer of earth scorching sexuality that every woman wanted to tame and claim...or be forever tamed and claimed by.

He could be as seductive as Marvin or as silken as Reverend Al, but no one could match him for authoritative, testosterone-fueled sex appeal.

Teddy Pendergrass
He brought to the table a righteous, gospel-hewn bravado along with a smoldering head strong swagger to soul. For lovers around the world, he was the platinum status standard of soul man.

Born March 26, 1950 in Philadelphia, PA - a city he raised himself up from poverty within and loved and supported with all his heart through his glory years - Theodore DeReese Pendergrass possessed the gift of soul persuasion from a very early age.

His mother, Ida, had him standing up on a chair in a storefront church at the age of 2 singing for The Lord. He was acting as a minister by the age of 10. But at 15, he took another path, becoming the drummer for the group The Cadillacs which went on to back supper club soul stirrers Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes.

It wasn't long after Melvin got a taste of Teddy's singing that he ushered not-to-be-denied Theodore on up to the front line of his vocal quintet where he would immediately become the star secret weapon of The Blue Notes. So dominant was his presence that casual fans often mistook Theodore for Harold - for surely a man with his vocal command MUST be the leader of the group.

Signed in '72 to Kenneth Gamble & Leon Huff's CBS-distributed Philadelphia International Records label within a pioneering crop of talent that also included The O'Jays (f/ Eddie Levert & Walter Williams), the Intruders (f/ "Little Sonny" Brown) and Billy Paul, the Blue Notes faced stiff competition even within their own ranks. But with the musical excellence of the company's writers, arrangers and producers and the lead voice of Pendergrass, the group waxed hit after hit with him upfront - from the backbeat blues of "If You Don't Know Me By Now" and "I Miss You" to the electrifying soul show burner "Satisfaction Guaranteed" and two of disco's bedrock smashes "The Love I Lost" and "Bad Luck" to the uplifting message of "Wake Up Everybody." For four pressure cooker years (1972 to 1975), the group held its own before it became all too clear that Pendergrass demanded a stage of his own. His swan song from the group was ironically titled "Don't Leave Me This Way."

When the man dropped his 1977 self-titled debut album - dressed casually in front of a solid white background that intimated "new beginning" - he re-introduced himself as Teddy Pendergrass with an 8-song offering that found him pulpit preachin' "You Can't Hide From Yourself, boudoir braggin' "The More I Get, The More I Want," blues croonin' "The Whole Town's Laughing at Me," pillow talkin' "Be Sure"...and slingin' a zinger for done-wrong bruthas that demanded it, "I Don't Love You Anymore" - super serving all factions of fans with 360 scorching degrees of self-expression.

But it was on his platinum plus-selling sophomore statement the next year in '78, Life is a Song Worth Singing, that he blasted his likeness into the Mount Rushmore of Soul with a filler-free 7-song classic.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Latest news results for conan

  1. National Post
    1 hour ago
    Will it be Jay Leno or Conan O'Brien running 'The Tonight Show'? Seinfeld, whose iconic sitcom aired on the network during the '90s and '00s, praised NBC's ...
    ABC News - 4654 related articles »
  2. The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien | Watch Episodes Online

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  4. Jan 8, 2010 ... The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien (Late night TV show) official NBC page features headlines and videos! - Cached - Similar -
  5. Conan the Barbarian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Conan the Barbarian (also known as Conan the Cimmerian, from the name of his homeland, Cimmeria) is a fictional character in books, comics and movies. ... - Cached -
  6. Conan O'Brien - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Conan Christopher O'Brien (born April 18, 1963) is an American television host and comedian. He is the host of The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien, ...

Harry Reid Racist Comments Create Fury

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid — a noted champion of civil rights — has apologized for referring to President Barack Obama as “light-skinned” with no “Negro dialect” during the 2008 presidential campaign.

Bill Clinton under fire for ‘racist’ slur belittling Barack Obama latest news

US president Barack Obama

Former US president Bill Clinton has been accused of a racist insult against Barack Obama, his wife Hillary’s triumphant rival for the White House.

Ex-President Clinton allegedly belittled Mr Obama by saying: “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

His wife Hillary is also said to have wanted to exploit claims about Mr Obama’s drug use, during their battle for the Democratic presidential nomination, a new book claims.

The allegations come just days after the party’s Senate leader Harry Reid was forced to resign over racially-charged comments about Mr Obama.

Mr Reid has apologised for saying the Democrats could benefit because Mr Obama was “light-skinned” and had “no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one”.

Mr Clinton’s comment is said to have come during a phone conversation with the late Democratic senator Ted Kennedy during the Democrats’ nomination battle.

Mr Clinton wanted the party grandee’s support for his wife’s campaign – but the move appears to have backfired, with Mr Kennedy opting to support her challenger instead.

The new book, Game Change, claims: “He phoned Kennedy and pressed for an endorsement, making the case for his wife.

“But Bill then went on, belittling Obama in a manner that deeply offended Kennedy.

“Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed.”

The book’s authors, John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, were also behind the revelations about Mr Reid’s remarks on Mr Obama, made during the election campaign.

They say

Friday, January 8, 2010

Loading ... Loading ... Audra McDonald NAACP Image Awards

Audra McDonald

Audra McDonald has been nominated for NAACP Image Awards. Audra nominated as Outstanding Supporting Actress for her performance on ABC series Private Practice and his co-star Taye Diggs was nominated as Outstanding Actor in a Drama Series.

On Friday, February 26 the winners of the 41st NAACP Image Awards will be announced. The NAACP Image Awards ceremony will be live telecast on Fox at 8 PM ET. Not only this there are more honors to come for her as tonight-on ABC Audra will singing “God Bless America” during the pre game shows at the National Championship football game at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California. In the show Josh Groban will also perform.

Audra McDonald is a singer and actress. She won Tony Award four times. On Monday, February 1 Audra McDonald will perform in a concert at 8:30pm at the UCLA Freud Playhouse for Los Angeles’ Reprise Theatre Company. She won Tony Award as Best Featured Actress for the musicals Carousel and Ragtime and the plays Master Class and A Raisin in the Sun.

Audra Ann McDonald was born on July 3, 1970 in Berlin, Germany. At a young age she began study acting and she got her start with Dan Pessano and Good Company Players. She says that the two people who have had the most impact on her life are her mother and Good Company director Dan Pessano. In 2000 she married bassist Peter Donovan and they separated in 2009.

Watch the full videos of Lee Corso Stroke

Leland “Lee” Corso, who suffered a stroke in May 2009, may be a little slower but there is still no stopping him.
Sports broadcaster and football analyst, has featured on ESPN’s Colleges Game Day program. Lee Corso also appears annually as a commentator for the EA Sports NCAA Football.
When he is not doing all of that he serves as the Director of Business Development for Dixon Ticonderoga, a Florida based Pencil making company.
Corso who was born in Lake Mary, Florida attended the Miami Jackson Senior High, where he also played quarterback.ESPN "College GameDay" analyst Lee Corso recently suffered a minor stroke, but plans on being back for the kickoff of the 2009 college football season.

The sports broadcaster and football analyst for ESPN, has featured on ESPN’s Colleges GameDay program since its inception. He also appears annually as a commentator for the EA Sports NCAA Football.
When he is not doing all of that he serves as the Director of Business Development for Dixon Ticonderoga, a Florida based Pencil making company.

"This is just a small bump in the road," Corso said in a statement issued by ESPN. "A 'not so fast, my friend' in my game of life. I look forward to making a full recovery and returning to ESPN for my 23rd season analyzing the greatest sport in the world — college football."

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Burton Group acquired by Gartner

ITXPOI am delighted to announce that Gartner has acquired Burton Group, the leading provider of practical, technically in-depth how-to advice for frontline IT professionals.

Our current CIO and senior IT leader clients frequently ask us to provide a complementary portfolio of products and services specifically designed to meet the unique needs of frontline technologists within their teams. The acquisition of Burton Group’s world-class research, consulting and events enables us to meet this demand and offer a complete solution to every level and functional expert within the IT organization.

We will continue to offer Burton Group’s highly valued products and services as a distinctly packaged and priced portfolio delivered and supported by the same talented team of employees. We also will invest in Burton Group’s research, consulting and events to expand the functional IT areas they cover and increase the value they provide to existing and new clients.

If you'd like to find out more about how Burton Group can help you and your organization, please contact your Gartner representative. In the meantime, I’ve answered some questions I anticipate you will have below.


Gene Hall
Chief Executive Officer, Gartner
Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How will this acquisition benefit Gartner clients?
A. The acquisition of Burton Group, the leading provider of practical, technically in-depth expertise and how-to advice to frontline enterprise IT professionals, complements the current Gartner portfolio of strategic advice for CIOs and senior IT leaders. Now Gartner can offer a complete solution to every level and functional expert within the IT end-user organization.

Q. How will this acquisition impact Burton Group clients?
A. In the short term, current Burton Group clients should experience no change to the high quality of products and services they receive. Over time, we will invest in Burton Group to significantly increase the depth and breadth of their research coverage, which will enhance the value clients receive.

Q. How will current Burton Group contracts and contract renewals be affected?
A. Gartner will honor all existing client contracts.

Q. Will Burton Group products and services be delivered by the same team?
A. Burton Group products and services will continue to be delivered and supported by the same talented team of employees.

Q. Will Gartner retain Burton Group employees?
A. Gartner extended offers of employment to the vast majority of Burton Group employees, including every analyst. We expect to retain nearly all of these employees.

Q. What will happen to Burton Group products and services?
A. Burton Group is the industry leader at what they do. As such, we will continue to sell these highly valued products. Over time, we will invest in the development of Burton Group’s products and services to expand the functional IT areas they cover in order to increase the value they provide to existing and new clients. All our clients worldwide will have the opportunity to purchase these valuable services. Please contact your Gartner account representative to discuss how we can help you today.

Q. Will the Burton Group research agenda change?
A. Burton Group analysts are industry experts, and they will remain focused on meeting their clients’ needs. As such, we anticipate little change to their research agenda initially; but our investment in Burton Group will significantly increase the depth and breadth of their research agenda in 2010 and beyond.

Monday, January 4, 2010

CES 2010: The Latest News

CES 2010: Catch the latest news hereThe biggest tech show in the world is about to start in Las Vegas and Pocket-lint will be there live, covering all the news as it happens so you know what's what.

CES in Las Vegas sees a whopping 2500 exhibitors from 140 countries trying to lure us with their wares, meaning we can bring you the low down on the must have gadgets and gizmos to look out for over the next 12 months.

All areas of the tech world are covered with big announcements expected from Asus, Cisco, Dell, HP, Kodak, Lenovo, LG, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba and virtually anyone you can think of.

What can we expect from CES 2010? The show is likely to be dominated by 3D TVs, ebook readers, tablet computers and the odd digital camera and mobile phone thrown in for good luck.

The good news for you is that Pocket-lint will be live from the city of sin (that will be Las Vegas) from Tuesday evening (GMT) getting a glimpse of some of the latest products ahead of the official opening of the conference.

So what can you expect from Pocket-lint?

All the latest announcements from the world of consumer electronics, live coverage of all the keynotes on Wednesday, photo galleries and first look reviews, exclusive stories and the low down on what's what as it's happening from all the exhibitors at the show right through 'till next Monday.

Videobloggers storm CES Las Vegas ces 2010

CES 2010 Las Vegas is almost upon us, well for all practical purposes, its here. The Consumer Electronics Show has always been a "big deal" but the emergence of New Media and the use of communications devices like camera-equipped cell phone has made it only larger. And the impact of these eonsumer electronics systems on media has been nothing short of amazing, and given rise to that newest of all creatures...

New Resolution Worksheet For Kids 2010

Among many ways, a New Years resolution worksheet kids is the perfect one to begin a new school week. Both teachers and homeschooling parents can use a New Years resolution worksheet kids to build up objectives and encourage thoughts. A New Years resolution worksheet kids is among convenient methods to make children think about life and the future

So as soon as your kids come back from school today you should talk to them about a New Years resolution worksheet kids. It is a more likely a realist method for them to focus on their objectives and on methods to achieve them. If not, I will use one of these New Years resolution worksheet kids ideas.

Here is a direct link to print a simple New Years resolution worksheet kids from This easy New Years resolution worksheet kids is the best method to get your young ones think.
