At, "Pepsiis giving away millions each month to fund refreshing ideas that change the world," according to PepsiCo.
Anyone is welcome to submit an idea. And anyone can vote on the ideas too. Pepsi is accepting 1000 ideas each month, and they are giving grants away to whichever idea wins. Their site says, "We're looking for people, businesses, and non-profits with ideas that will have a positive impact. Look around your community and think about how you want to change it.
Only good can come of this, I think!
* 32 potential grand recipients
* As much as $1.3 million will be rewarded.
* $250,000 - two grants
* $50,000 - ten grants
* $25,000 - ten grants
* $5,000 - ten grants
The results will be posted at the beginning of each month, about 2 weeks after the voting ends. If your idea wins a great, you will be emailed.
PepsiCo says your grant will be sent to you within a quick four weeks, if you win.
I hope this works out as fabulously as it sounds like it will. You have to wonder if Pepsi will be checking up on the people to whom they give grant money. But if a lot of people get the money they need to fund a lot of great ideas - well that's a great idea right there.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Pepsi Refresh Project - Win Money for Submitting Great Ideas!
McDonalds All-American Day 3 Highlights
Check out some of the highlights from Day 3 of the McDonald's All American practice sessions featuring: Josh Selby, Perry Jones, Tobias Harris, Corey Joseph, Deshaun Thomas, Kendall Marshall, Kyrie Irving, Reggie Bulluck, and Patrick Young.
2010 McDonalds All-American Day 3 Highlights Mix; Josh Selby, CJ Leslie, Harrison Barnes & More video:-
Sandra Bullock Prepared Files Divorce On Cheating Husband
Sandra Bullock files for divorce to her husband after 5 years of marriage. Jesse James has cheated on Bullock with four other mistresses. One of which came out in public, telling viewers that James has been having an affair with her over the past 11 months.
Sandra says she can’t take this drama anymore and it ends here and that her trust for Jesse James has vanished. Bullock also states that no matter how much she loved being with his kids, she will not take custody of them. Their relationship to me does not look like it will get any better from here.
Jesse James has publicly announced his regrets of ever letting this happen. And he also apologizes to Sandra Bullock for causing pain, grief, strife, and anguish to her.
Okay Jesse, I highly doubt that Sandra Bullock will ever forgive you. Don't you understand that Sandra Bullock filed for divorce because you cheated on her with four women? Do you honestly belive she will take you back? If that’s what you thought, then you are highly mistaken. Jesse James, you are wasting you're breath!
April Fools 2010 Pranks
April Fools’ Day has gotta be one of the best holidays. You get to play nasty pranks and practical jokes on people – and get away with it! IB has put together some safe but fun April Fools’ pranks you can pull on your friends and family.
Got Milk?
If your milk comes in a cardboard container, add a few drops of food coloring. It’s harmless April Fool’s joke but the results are pretty colorful.
"What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted" by Didi Benami - TOP 10
Personally it comes as no surprise that American Idol contestant, Didi Benami was eliminated tonight on the results show. Fans seemed devastated by the defeat but for Tim Urban, he keeps smiling!
Diddy- Dirty Money – Hello Good Morning, On The Set
Ahead of Wednesday night's (March 31) results show, "American Idol" viewers were warned about and promised "a strobe-light effect like you have never seen before!" And for those without photo-sensitivity issues, the 10-second spectacle was quite stunning during Diddy-Dirty Money's debut performance of "Hello, Good Morning."
As a sort of inverse to Usher's performance earlier in the show, Diddy arrived on a staircase dressed in all white, at first bathed in a heavenly light from above while live violins and timpani kicked off the rocking new single from the upcoming album
Diddy was then met on a smoky stage by his Dirty Money mates Dawn Richard and Kalenna, who impressively kept up with their energetic frontman. Halfway through the song, the light show was introduced with an address to those watching at home.
"America," Diddy shouted out, "right about now I want you to turn your televisions up and your lights down. And rock with us!"
The strobe lasted only a few seconds, and it was likely even more impressive to the crowd in the studio, but this was a stunt and a performance worthy of the popular TV series in a season when viewers have been their most critical.
In the end, Diddy came off like an angel, bathed again in an even greater stream of heavenly spotlight. Then, never one to stand still for too long, he ran out into the audience, where he was met with screams of approval from his fans.
What did you think of Diddy-Dirty Money's performance? Let us know in the comments below!
Diddy-Dirty 'Hello, Good Morning' On 'American Idol'
Ahead of Wednesday night's (March 31) results show, "American Idol" viewers were warned about and promised "a strobe-light effect like you have never seen before!" And for those without photo-sensitivity issues, the 10-second spectacle was quite stunning during Diddy-Dirty Money's debut performance of "Hello, Good Morning."
As a sort of inverse to Usher's performance earlier in the show, Diddy arrived on a staircase dressed in all white, at first bathed in a heavenly light from above while live violins and timpani kicked off the rocking new single from the upcoming album
Diddy was then met on a smoky stage by his Dirty Money mates Dawn Richard and Kalenna, who impressively kept up with their energetic frontman. Halfway through the song, the light show was introduced with an address to those watching at home.
"America," Diddy shouted out, "right about now I want you to turn your televisions up and your lights down. And rock with us!"
The strobe lasted only a few seconds, and it was likely even more impressive to the crowd in the studio, but this was a stunt and a performance worthy of the popular TV series in a season when viewers have been their most critical.
In the end, Diddy came off like an angel, bathed again in an even greater stream of heavenly spotlight. Then, never one to stand still for too long, he ran out into the audience, where he was met with screams of approval from his fans.
Pete Rose and Playboy Girlfriend Kiana Kim hot Photo
Pete Rose was the featured guest on Howard Stern’s Sirius XM Satellite Radio Show this morning. Most of the talk was the usual… being banned from baseball and the Hall of Fame, gambling on baseball and in general, and how Pete is making a living these days. Of course, since he was on the Howard Stern Show, much focus was on his
29-year old wife and Playboy model Kiana Kim, who accompanied him in the studio.
remember the key players who have delivered us our precious few professional sports championships, but sorry Pete, this isn’t about you.
In case you are not familiar with Kiana, she was born in Seoul, Korea and moved out to the United States with her family when she was 5. She was raised in Los Angeles and went to school at Arizona State University. Soon after graduating, she worked for Korean Airlines as a flight attendant.
Kiana will be featured in the Playboy April edition in the feature “Sexy 100 of 2009.” To be honest, Kiana probably didn’t warrant an appearance to promote the spread by herself, but with Charlie Hustle accompanying her, it was a no-brainer appearance.
Here’s a few examples of how Pete Rose still keeps hitting big, even while he’s pushing 70.
Who Got Kicked Off Dancing With The Stars Tonight
Shannen Doherty, the former star of “Beverly Hills, 90210,” became the first star eliminated on ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars” tonight.
Many observers thought that former astronaut Buzz Aldrin or current tabloid queen Kate Gosselin would be sent home. Instead, Doherty and her partner Mark Ballas got the boot.
Doherty’s tweets tell the tale:
About seven hours ago: “Scared for tonight. I don’t want to get booted off!!”
About three hours ago: “Thank you to all those that voted for us, love you guys!”
About three hours ago: “Awe…thank you for all your kind words. I’m a bit sad but mainly for my partner and my dad. I love you all”
About two hours ago in response to a tweet from Ballas: “I love you and I’m sorry. See you in the morning.”
About two minutes ago in response from a tweet from actress Holly Marie Combs: “I love you. Now if I can stop crying…..”
Meanwhile, from astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who was kept on, elation: “Thank you America for keeping me & Ashly on for another week of DWTS! We promise to try our best & improve. Next week the waltz!”
Miegakure : The 4D Game Puzzle Demo Video
Miegakure is a platform game where you explore the fourth dimension to solve puzzles. There is no trick; the game is entirely designed and programmed in 4D.
Can’t believe it? Then watch the Miegakure Demo video below from YouTube. It’s amazing and a real brain teaser. Surely, those who will play this online will have lots of fun.
Watch the Miegakure game video demo:
Kate Gosselin Dancing With The Stars Video - 2010 Voting tonight
Well, the performance of Kate Gosselin Dancing With The Stars on March 29 2010 was certainly dramatic. She’s a reality star who made a name for herself by playing out her lifelong drama on the screen, so it’s no surprise that Kate Gosselin Dancing With The Stars also means drama.With the Dancing With The Stars 2010 voting starting tonight, the Kate Gosselin Dancing With The Stars drama that showed itself last night is sure to play into the voting results. With Jon and Kate Plus 8 off the air and a new reality show questionable, Kate Gosselin may need to start looking for personal loan companies to keep her reality-show career going.
Kate Gosselin Dancing With The Stars March 29
Dancing With The Stars 2010 Voting Results
The Dancing With the Stars 2010 voting may see fans try to keep her on the show, mostly due to all the publicity surrounding her participation in the show. In addition, she did not have the worst score of the night.The Dancing with the Stars 2010 results show will air this evening on ABC, exactly where Kate Gosselin and all the other competitors learn their fate.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Miegakure Demo Video: The 4D Game Puzzle
Miegakure is a platform game where you explore the fourth dimension to solve puzzles. There is no trick; the game is entirely designed and programmed in 4D.
Can’t believe it? Then watch the Miegakure Demo video below from YouTube. It’s amazing and a real brain teaser. Surely, those who will play this online will have lots of fun.
Watch the Miegakure game video demo:
Didi Benami American Idol Top 10 Compete
IDEO and LYRICS! Here is video and lyrics of What Becomes of the Broken Hearted. What Becomes of the Broken Hearted was Didi Benami’s song choice on tonight’s American Idol.
Judges’ reaction was not good.
Randy: “This performance just flat-lined for me. I didn’t get it.”
Ellen: “I love your voice, but that was way dramatic and not your best performance.”
Kara: “I don’t know who you are anymore. It’s confusing.”
Simon: “It was so old-fashioned and so off-melody. You’ve completely and utterly lost your way. It’s like when they have that singer on those dancing shows and they murder the song.”
Watch video and catch lyrics below.
SONG: What Becomes of a Brokenhearted
BY: Jimmy Ruffin
What becomes of the brokenhearted
Who had love that’s now departed
I know I’ve got to find
Some kind of peace of mind, help me, please
I’m searching though I don’t succeed
But someone look, there’s a growing need
All is lost, there’s no place for beginning
All that’s left is an unhappy ending
Now what becomes of the brokenhearted
Who had love that’s now departed
I know I’ve got to find
Some kind of peace of mind
What becomes of the Broken Hearted by Didi Benami American idol Top 10
Sam Nazarian, Kristin Cavallari Donezo!
Sam Nazarian, Kristin Cavallari’s boyfriend, is getting kicked to the curb with some overpriced stilettos. Find out why here.
Kristen Cavallari
Just in the time for the final season of The Hills, the show’s new bad-girl is apparently on the outs with her boyfriend after reportedly finding out that he isn’t a one-woman man——what a convenient coincidence!
Rumors hit the web today that the reality star got a nasty surprise when she made an unplanned visit to her BF’s house last week. According to multiple outlets, Kristin was stopping by to pick up a ring she left at his place. She knew he was at work, but used her own key to let herself in.
A source claims that even though good ‘ole Sammy wasn’t there, a “striking brunette” was. So, did an epic fight to the death ensue? Not quite. Actually the same source says that they “bonded immediately.” Wha?!
Let me get this straight. She walked into her boyfriend’s house, found another chick there, then proceeded to have tea and scones with her?
Don’t get me wrong, it’s just as much his fault as it is the other girl’s, but that doesn’t sound like the Kristin Cavallari we’ve gotten to know on the show.
Anyway, according to reports the girls cooked up a plan to out Sam Nazarian and his cheating ways:
“…She called Sam from her phone but then she had the other girl talk to him, so he was so freaked out. He was expecting Kristin’s voice and then he got the voice of the girl he was cheating on her with!”
Now we’re made to believe that these two are officially done. The timing has me feeling a tad suspicious. After learning a while back that the show is mostly contrived, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that this is more of the same.
What do you think about the reports about the Sam Nazarian, Kristin Cavallari break-up? Publicity stunt or reality?
EXCLUSIVE!! mw2 map pack release time [VIDEO]
This latest Call of Duty Map Pack is one of the latest and most awaited map pack for Modern Warfare 2 gamers this month. The Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package is scheduled to be released on March 30, 2010.
As we all know, the Stimulus Package consists of 5 Map Packs and it costs $15.00 USD.
If you don’t have an idea what are the new maps in the Stimulus Package, they are Bailout, Salvage, and Storm. So what are these maps? Bailout is a wide map set in an overrun apartment complex with long sight lines, this map is perfect for snipers. Salvage is a small snowy map in a junkyard. And last but not the least Storm, Storm is a map of abandoned warehouses in the midst of a thunderstorm.
MW2: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release Time
Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release Time: MW2 Map Pack Released for XBOX – A lot of people are waiting for the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package to be release today march 29, 2010.For those who havent seen the trailer of this new patch for the Modern Warfare franchise then this you better see, In this new Map Pack, there will be 5 new maps, which are Bailout, Storm, Salvage, Crash, and Overgrown
The official trailer has just been released by Infinity Ward. According to sources, the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package will cost $15, modern warfare has been one of the greatest games in almost every console, from PC to the XBOX. More features and updates are available on the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package. See below as we share more of the features on this new Pack, The release time will be announced below after the jump .
A lot of gamers are waiting for the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release Time, IT has been announced that the XBOX console will be getting the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package this march 30, 2010. Which also cost around 1200 Microsoft points. PS3 and PC owners will have their Release of the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package after a couple of weeks. Gamers get ready for a new battlezone up ahead. Enjoy the trailer and wait out for more info for the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release Time: MW2 Map Pack Released for XBOX
Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release Time
Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release Time: MW2 Map Pack Released for XBOX – A lot of people are waiting for the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package to be release today march 29, 2010.
For those who havent seen the trailer of this new patch for the Modern Warfare franchise then this you better see, In this new Map Pack, there will be 5 new maps, which are Bailout, Storm, Salvage, Crash, and Overgrown. The official trailer has just been released by Infinity Ward. According to sources, the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package will cost $15, modern warfare has been one of the greatest games in almost every console, from PC to the XBOX. More features and updates are available on the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package. See below as we share more of the features on this new Pack, The release time will be announced below after the jump .
A lot of gamers are waiting for the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release Time, IT has been announced that the XBOX console will be getting the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package this march 30, 2010. Which also cost around 1200 Microsoft points. PS3 and PC owners will have their Release of the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package after a couple of weeks. Gamers get ready for a new battlezone up ahead. Enjoy the trailer and wait out for more info for the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release Time: MW2 Map Pack Released for XBOX
Modern Warfare 2 “Stimulus Package” Saves us from Mapathy
Modern Warfare 2’s first DLC, “Stimulus Package“, is coming next April for PS3 owners. Although the price of the map pack is slightly ridiculous, the title will only get more and more popular as time progresses. The hype train for the DLC has begun, and as Xbox 360 owners get it next week, we’re already getting a trailer and some screenshots.
The Modern Warfare 2 “Stimulus Package” DLC will contain five maps; three new and two remade. The maps include Bailout, Storm, Salvage, Crash, and Overgrown. The map pack will cost $15.
MW2: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release Time
This latest Call of Duty Map Pack is one of the latest and most awaited map pack for Modern Warfare 2 gamers this month. The Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package is scheduled to be released on March 30, 2010.
As we all know, the Stimulus Package consists of 5 Map Packs and it costs $15.00 USD.
If you don’t have an idea what are the new maps in the Stimulus Package, they are Bailout, Salvage, and Storm. So what are these maps? Bailout is a wide map set in an overrun apartment complex with long sight lines, this map is perfect for snipers. Salvage is a small snowy map in a junkyard. And last but not the least Storm, Storm is a map of abandoned warehouses in the midst of a thunderstorm.
There are 5 maps isn’t it? Here’s two more: Crash and Overgrown. These maps are from COD4 and they are just revived because it’s one of the best and most favorite maps of all time. Crash is an urban map with a downed helicopter, while Overgrown is a wide open map suitable for snipers.
There’s no official announcement yet of the release time, but we think that the release time will be at exactly 12:00 AM EST on March 30, 2010.
Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Release Time
The day has just begun and many people are eager to find out the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package release time. The date is today, March 29 and well it is unclear at what time exactly will the package arrive. MW 2 is one of the best games to enjoy in multiplayer mode if you love FPS action.
The Stimulus Package DLC will contain 5 new maps: Bailout, Storm, Salvage, Crash, and Overgrown and will cost a total of $15. Well, while you are waiting for the release o the map package, we leave you with a video of what will you be able to play:
Monday, March 29, 2010
Ricky Martin is Gay
Singer RICKY MARTIN has finally confirmed the worst kept secret in pop - he's gay.
The Livin' La Vida Loca hitmaker has long been dogged by rumours he's a homosexual but he has never 'come out' as a gay man - until now.
Ironically, he attempted to brush off speculation about his sexuality in a candid interview almost a decade ago, stating: "I am a modern man, live a full life, do not feel any barriers inside myself. If I were gay, why not admit it? I am a normal man. I love women and sex. I am a real hot-blooded Puerto Rican, but I have never been attracted by sex with a man."
And now the star has finally revealed all to fans in a post on his official website, confirming he is attracted to men.
He writes, "A few months ago I decided to write my memoirs, a project I knew was going to bring me closer to an amazing turning point in my life.
"From the moment I wrote the first phrase I was sure the book was the tool that was going to help me free myself from things I was carrying within me for a long time. Things that were too heavy for me to keep inside. Writing this account of my life, I got very close to my truth. And this is something worth celebrating."
He reveals many close aides and friends advised him against revealing the "entire truth," but he admits, "Allowing myself to be seduced by fear and insecurity became a self-fulfilling prophecy of sabotage. Today I take full responsibility for my decisions and my actions."
He adds, "These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn't even know existed.
"What will happen from now on? It doesn't matter. I can only focus on what's happening to me in this moment. The word 'happiness' takes on a new meaning for me as of today. It has been a very intense process. Every word that I write in this letter is born out of love, acceptance, detachment and real contentment. Writing this is a solid step towards my inner peace and vital part of my evolution.
"I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am."
Ricky Martin -- 'I Am a Fortunate Homosexual'
Ricky Martin has revealed that he is a gay man.
Martin -- who has dodged questions of his sexuality for years -- just posted the following message on his official website: "I am proud to say that I am a fortunate
homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am."
Martin says the birth of his twin sons led to his decision to come out -- and according to the singer, "To keep living as I did up until today would be to indirectly diminish the glow that my kids where [sic] born with."
Ricky's kids were born in August 2008.
Ricky Martin Comes Out
Puerto Rican pop singer Ricky Martin came out of the closet today on his Web site. But the story of real import may be this: What are the economic consequences of a male pop star coming out?
On his site, Martin writes that associates warned him about opening up his personal life because of the risk to his career and image. He wrote on his Web site: “Many people told me: ‘Ricky it’s not important’, ‘it’s not worth it’, ‘all the years you’ve worked and everything you’ve built will collapse’, ‘many people in the world are not ready to accept your truth, your reality, your nature.’”
Speakeasy decided to take a look at a few male pop and rock stars who have announced that they are gay to see how their careers fared before and after their public revelations:
Elton John
Before: A Grammy-winning pop star who sold millions of records world-wide.
After: A Grammy-winning pop star who still sells millions of records world-wide and also writes music for hit musicals like “The Lion King,” “Aida,” and “Billy Elliot,” and the movie version of “The Lion King.” And he’s Sir Elton now.
Update: lorenzo von matterhorn
Lorenzo Von Matterhorn is a fictional character introduced on the television show “How I Met Your Mother” last year. We first introduced Lorenzo Von Matterhorn here in November. Now Lorenzo Von Matterhorn is hitting the search engines again to help all of use look more intelligent.
According to Lorenzo Von Matterhorn rules, there are several ways to look smarter…just like Lorenzo Von Matterhorn.
Lorenzo Von Matterhorn fans recommend wearing eyeglasses. After all, it makes Sarah Palin look smarter.
Another way to make people think you are intelligent is to walk around carrying a smart newspaper such as the Wall Street Journal, just like Lorenzo Von Matterhorn.
A good haircut and using big words are more ways to resemble an intelligent person. You might even create a fake Lorenzo Von Matterhorn persona for yourself.
Pamela Anderson on Dancing with the Stars
Moscow metro bombs kill dozens
Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up on the Moscow subway during the morning rush hour today, killing at least 37 people and injuring more than 60, Russian officials said.
Yuri Luzhkov, the mayor of Moscow, told reporters the suicide bombers were believed to have set off their explosives as trains approached Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations.
"The first data that the FSB [Federal Security Service] has given us is that there were two female suicide bombers," he told reporters at Park Kultury.
Vladimir Putin, the prime minister, who was on a visit to the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, said those responsible for the attacks would be "destroyed".
"A crime that is terrible in its consequences and heinous in its manner has been committed," Putin said at the start of a video conference. "I am confident that law enforcement bodies will spare no effort to track down and punish the criminals. Terrorists will be destroyed," said Putin, who was propelled to the Russian presidency in 2000 following his tough response to the Chechnya conflict.
The first blast happened at the busy Lubyanka interchange near the headquarters of the FSB, the successor to the KGB. The explosion went off at a point where two metro lines converge, a 10-minute walk from Red Square and the Bolshoi Theatre.
Officials said at least 23 people died at Lubyanka and 12 to 14 were killed at the second explosion at Park Kultury, near Gorky Park.
‘Female bombers’ kill 37 in Moscow’s subway
MOSCOW - Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up on Moscow's subway system as it was jam-packed with rush-hour passengers Monday, killing at least 37 people, officials said.
Witnesses described panic at two stations, with commuters falling over each other in dense smoke and dust as they tried to escape the worst attack on the Russian capital in six years.
The head of Russia's main security agency said preliminary investigation places the blame on rebels from the restive Caucasus region that includes Chechnya, where separatists have fought Russian forces since the mid-1990s. Alexander Bortnikov, head of the FSB, told President Dmitry Medvedev the bombs were filled with bolts and iron rods.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who built much of his political capital by directing a fierce war with Chechen separatists a decade ago, vowed that "terrorists will be destroyed."
In the wake of the explosions, New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority announced a "heightened security presence," NBC News reported.
The first blast just before 8 a.m. (12.00 a.m. ET) tore through the second carriage of a train as it stood at the Lubyanka metro station. The explosion killed at least 23 people.
The headquarters of the FSB, Russia's main domestic security service and the successor to the Soviet-era KGB, is located in a building above the station
Suicide Bombings Kill Dozens in Moscow Subway
Two female suicide bombers blew themselves up in the Moscow subway during rush hour on Monday morning, killing 37 people and injuring dozens more. There have been no claims of responsibility, but speculation is centering on Islamist insurgents from the Northern Caucasus.
Moscow has once again become the target of a terrorist attack. Two female suicide bombers detonated themselves in packed subway cars at the height of Moscow rush hour on Monday morning. Officials say that at least 35 people were killed in the bombings, which took place within an hour of each other. More than 30 people were injured.
The first bomb exploded at 7:50 a.m. (3:50 a.m. GMT) in the second car of a subway train waiting at the Lubyanka station in central Moscow. The station is located beneath the headquarters of the Federal Security Service (FSB), Russia's primary domestic security agency. Emergency Ministry spokeswoman Svetlana Chumikova said that 23 people died in the first blast.
A second explosion hit a train in the Park Kultury station, some eight kilometers away from Lubyanka, about 45 minutes after the first. At least 12 people were thought to have died in that bombing, said Chumikova. Reuters is reporting that 14 people may have died in the second blast.
"The first data that the FSB has given us is that there were two female suicide bombers," Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov told reporters at a hastily assembled press conference outside the entrance to the Park Kultury subway station. Officials reported finding the remains of suicide belts at the sites of the explosions.
Speculation of Islamist Insurgent Involvement
It was unclear on Monday morning who may have been responsible for the attack, though initial speculation centered on Islamist insurgents from the Northern Caucasus region in Russia's south. Moscow is fighting a growing insurgency in the region. Authorities immediately opened a terror investigation on Monday to look into the blasts. In addition, the country's civil aviation authority ordered that security be increased at all Moscow airports.
Moscow's subway system is one of the world's busiest, with some 7 million people riding its trains each day. With trains halted on Monday morning and emergency vehicles clogging the streets, the city came to a virtual standstill.
"I bought myself a ticket, and then I heard a muffled bang," one witness reported on Russian radio. "I didn't think anything of it. But then people began rushing toward me. They were screaming and there was white dust everywhere. Their clothes were all ripped up."
It was the bloodiest terror attack in Moscow since 2004, when a subway bombing killed 39 and wounded 100. Last November, an attack on a high-speed train between Moscow and St. Petersburg killed 26 people. An Islamist rebel group claimed responsibility for that attack.
Moscow Metro bombing: Why Chechens are suspected
Islamist radicals from the North Caucasus are nearly always at the top of the list of suspects when a bomb causes death and destruction in Russia.
All the more so, when the attack is carried out by female suicide bombers.
Guerrillas fighting to separate the republic of Chechnya from Russia adopted the suicide bombing tactic for the first time in 2000.
In 2002, women were members of the group that held a Moscow theatre audience hostage, until the building was gassed and stormed by security forces, with huge loss of life.
They were dressed in veils and bandanas that indicated their readiness to die in battle, and the following year came the first attacks by female suicide bombers.
Moscow Metro Blast, Moscow Bombing
Moscow Metro Blast, Moscow Bombing: Moscow Metro Blast, moscow metro, moscow metro explosion, moscow explosion, moscow metro bombing, moscow blas
bombing, moscow blas
Moscow Metro Blast, MOSCOW: Moscow emergency officials and Russian news agencies say two explosions hit the Moscow subway system, killing at least 40 people.
The first blast at the Lubyanka station in central Moscow happened during the peak hour when thousands of passengers were packed onto trains.
The headquarters of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), successor to the Soviet-era KGB, is located just above the station.
“The blast hit the second carriage of a metro train that stopped at Lubyanka, at 0756 (0356 GMT),” Russian emergencies ministry spokeswoman Irina Andrianova said.
“Fourteen people died in the wagon of the train and 11 on the platform,” said Ms Andrianova. At least 10 people were wounded, she said.
The second explosion happaned at Park Kultury
Suicide bombings in Moscow Video
It appears that two female suicide bombers from the Wahhabist Chechen rebel movement have blown up a lot of people traveling to work on the subway in Moscow. I know from talking to people in the U.S. that most people don’t have a clue what the rebels are fighting for or what is the root of this conflict. In a nutshell, the Chechen rebels want to establish an Islamist Caliphate under sharia law in Chechnya and in all the neighboring lands (including Russia).
Chechnya gained independence from Russia but then lost it again, as a result of the Islamist movement in Chechnya, supported by Islamist fighters from the Middle East, invading the neighbouring country of Dagestan and thus sparking the Second Chechnya war, in which Russia returned to Chechnya in aid of Dagestan. A fuller, though still brief, history of the conflict is summarized below.
During the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Chechnya declared independence. In 1992, Chechen and Ingush leaders signed an agreement splitting the joint Chechen-Ingush republic in two, with Ingushetia joining the Russian Federation and Chechnya remaining independent. The debate over independence ultimately led to a small-scale civil war since 1992. The First Chechen War began in 1994, when Russian forces entered Chechnya to “restore constitutional order”. Following nearly two years of brutal fighting, in which an estimated more than 100,000 people died, and the 1996 Khasavyurt ceasefire agreement, the Russian troops were withdrawn from the republic. But it wasn’t over.
Following the first war, the separatist government’s grip on the chaotic republic was weak, especially outside the ruined capital Grozny. The areas controlled by rebel groups grew larger and the country became increasingly lawless, with more than 1300 abductions-executions, including a group of Western hostages –engineers who had arrived to help rebuild infrastructure. Political violence and religious extremism, in the form of islamist Wahhabism, was rife.
The Invasion of Dagestan was the trigger for the Second Chechen War. In August and September 1999, Shamil Basayev (in association with the Saudi born Ibn al-Khattab, Commander of the Mujahedeen) led two armies of up to 2,000 Chechen, Dagestani, Arab and international mujahideen and Wahhabist militants from Chechnya into the neighboring Republic of Dagestan. This war saw the first use of aerial-delivered fuel air explosives (FAE) in populated areas, notably in the village of Tando. By mid-September 1999, the militants were routed from the villages and pushed back into Chechnya.
On October 21, 1999, a Russian short-range ballistic missile strike on the central Grozny killed more than 140 people, including many women and children, and left hundreds more wounded. A Russian spokesman said the busy market place was targeted because it was used by rebels as an arms bazaar. Eight days later Russian aircraft carried out a rocket attack on a large convoy of refugees heading into Ingushetia, killing at least 25 civilians including Red Cross workers and journalists. Fighting intensified throughout 1999. And in 1999-2000 Russia began the seige on the city of Grozny which had become a stronghold for the Islamist rebels. The siege and fighting left the capital devastated like no other European city since World War II; in 2003 the United Nations called Grozny the most destroyed city on Earth.
Russian President Vladimir Putin established direct rule of Chechnya in May 2000. On March 23, 2003, a new Chechen constitution was passed in a referendum. The 2003 Constitution granted the Chechen Republic a significant degree of autonomy, but still tied it firmly to Russia and Moscow’s rule, and went into force on April 2, 2003.
In June 2000, the North Caucasian Chechen separatist-led Islamic insurgents added suicide bombing to their tactics in their struggle against Russia. Since then there have been dozens of suicide attacks in and outside the republic of Chechnya, resulting in thousands of casualties. Two large-scale hostage takings, the 2002 Moscow theater hostage crisis (850 hostages) and the 2004 Beslan school siege (about 1,200), resulted in the deaths of more than 463 civilians.
In October 2007 the leader of the Islamist rebels issued the Declaration of Caucasus Emirate for the entire region –stating it was “his duty as a Muslim to establish an Islamic state as required by Sharia” and where he also urged for a global Jihad, and the political schism between the moderates, and the radical Islamists fighting in Chechnya and the neighbouring regions with ties in the Middle East.
Watch Dancing With the Stars 1002 Season 10 Episode 2 Online Free Video
"Dancing with the Stars" is a series that pairs a celebrity
with a professional dance partner as they train and then compete in front of a studio audience in a televised dance competition
. The pairs will be judged by a panel of experts and also by viewers at home, with one couple being eliminated each week.
In each round of competition, each couple will demonstrate how well their training and rehearsing has paid off, by performing a choreographed routine.
At the end of each performance, judges will give each couple a score. At the end of the broadcast, viewers will be instructed on how to call in and cast their vote for their favorite couple. In the results show the next day, one couple will be eliminated.
"Dancing with the Stars" has broad appeal, offering viewers dazzling costumes, dancing, celebrity gossip, behind-the-scenes training and contemporary music performed by a live 15-piece band. The format is a hit both in the U.S. and internationally. Dancing with the Stars is the U.S. version of the international smash hit series, Strictly Come Dancing.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Goliath Tiger Fish
This has got to be the most exciting opportunity to go for a seriously toothy creature, the Goliath Tiger fish, awesome fighters, with incredible surges and jumps, for a big fish they are extremely acrobatic, generally taken trolling or dead/live bait fishing, no one has seriously gone after them with a fly rod and the world record is waiting for an adventurer to take. [1]
The legendary Goliath Tigerfish is ranked by ‘In Fisherman’ magazine as one of the top 10 hardest-fighting freshwater fish on the planet. [2]
When your name is Goliath, you’d better be one humongous, ferocious creature, and the Goliath tigerfish (Hydrocynus goliath) definitely lives up to its moniker. [3]
Tigerfish is the common name for a variety of species from several different families of fish, usually on account of their colouration or otherwise fearsome appearance. [4]
The Congo river and her tributaries including the Sangha where we base this new safari are a maze of sand banks and recently discovered deep water trenches which snakes its way between great rain forest trees that scream with the sounds of Cicadas and a myriad of birds, away from the edge the forest is impenetrable yet home to many thousands of mammals including the only rarely studied Forrest Elephant and the simply wonderful western Lowland Gorilla. [5]
And it outclasses other African game fish in speed and power. [3]
Tigerfish can be considered Africa.s equivalent of the South American piranha, though they belong to a completely different family. [6]
Tigerfish Camp is situated on the Congo River, about 25 miles upsteam from Brazzaville. [2]
A native of the Congo River basin, the Lualaba River, Lake Upemba and Lake Tanganyika in Africa, it’s the largest member of the tigerfish clan, a genus of fierce predators with protruding, daggerlike teeth. [3]
A school of juveniles can tackle animal of almost any size, including any land animals that stray too close to the water edge. [6]
Spotlighting around the camp and from the boat to find some of the more unusual nocturnal species like Galago, Potto, Gennet, Civit, Golden Cat, Hammer-Bat and a number of owls. [5]
The two most common species and probably most recognisable in Southern Africa are the Goliath Tiger (Hydrocynus goliath) which is found in the Congo River system being the largest of the family. [4]
No wonder one fishing safari promoter requires clients read a cautionary treatise on the Goliath before agreeing to a fishing trip. [...] Ergo, every one you release helps ensure that the monsters remain in adequate numbers to keep the ecosystem in stasis. [3]
The few anglers that have battled these monsters are awestruck by the fish’s ferocious strikes, long runs and spectacular jumps. [6]
26th WWE WrestleMania Results
WrestleMania XXVI is 26th yearly expert wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) occasion created by World Wrestling Entertainment(WWE), which will be attractive place on the night March 28, 2010 at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona.10 matches are listed for the event’s tag.
WWE Wrestlemania 26 Results:
1)Unified Tag Team Championships: The Miz & Big Show defeated John Morrison & R-Truth
2)Triple Threat Match : Randy Orton defeated Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes
3)Money in the Bank : Jack Swagger defeated Christian, Kane, Shelton Benjamin, Dolph Ziggler, MVP, Matt Hardy,Evan Bourne, Drew McIntyre & Kofi Kingston to win .
4)Triple H defeated Sheamus
5)Rey Mysterio defeated CM Punk
6)Bret Hart defeated Vince McMahon – No DQ
7)World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho defeated Edge
8)10-Diva Tag: Michelle McCool, Layla, Maryse, Alicia & Vickie Guerrero defeated Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim & Eve
9)WWE Championship: John Cena defeated Batista
10)Streak vs Career: The Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels
18 Men Have Come, and 18 Men Have Fallen (Wrestlemania Results)
The Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels in a streak vs. career match in 24:00.
Shawn did the “throat slash” gesture to Taker, which pissed him off. Face paced opening two minutes with Taker hitting Old School, but possibly legitimately coming up with a bum knee.
The pace slowed down a bit as Taker and then Shawn enjoyed advantages. Shawn nearly hit SCM out of nowhere. While Taker worked on the arm and shoulder, Shawn worked on the leg. He attempted a figure four, but Taker fought out and both men ended up on the floor. Taker rammed Shawn’s back into the ring post.
Taker hit the apron leg drop. Shawn rolled back into the ring. He rested enough to apply the figure four when Taker came back into the ring. Taker momentarily reversed the hold by turning over on his front, but Shawn quickly broke the hold.
They engaged in a war of punches vs. chops. Michaels kipped up right into a chokeslam. Taker immediately went for the cover and Michaels kicked out at two. Taker attempted a Tombstone but Shawn reversed it into an ankle lock. Shawn laid down on it in the middle of the ring.
With Taker on the floor, Shawn attempted his patented springboard high cross body, but Taker caught him. At first, it was unclear what he wanted to do, but he positioned for and hit the Tombstone on the floor. It took awhile, but Taker made the cover in the ring and only scored a two count.
Taker went for the Last Ride, but his leg gave out and Shawn covered for a two count. He went to the top and tried the elbow, but Taker rose his knees. Taker locked in Hell’s Gate, but Shawn rolled over into a pinning combination and Taker barely kicked out at two.
As both men rose to their feet, Shawn hit Sweet Chin Music, but Taker kicked out at two. He set it up again but Taker had yet to get to his feet. He caught Shawn’s foot and used to his strength to hit a full force Last Ride. Despite immediately covering Shawn, Taker was not able to get the win.
On the floor, Taker prepped the Spanish announce table. He was going to hit the Last Ride but Shawn hit SCM instead. Taker was laid out on the table. Shawn climbed the ropes and some idiot stood right in the middle of the shot. “Get out of the way,” yelled Cole.
Michaels hit a moonsault through Taker and the table. He was pumped afterward. He forcefully rolled Taker back in the ring, hit SCM again and covered Taker. I thought it was over at this point but Taker kicked out again at two. Wow. Michaels waited for Taker to get up.
He attempted SCM again but Taker caught him and hit a chokeslam. Taker could barely stand up. Taker hit the Tombstone, but if you watched Shawn’s eyes, you knew he was going to kick out, and he did. Damn. This is great. Michaels remained on his back and Taker struggled to his feet.
Taker stood over Michaels and in the middle of the throat slashed gesture, he stopped. He looked down at Michaels and basically begged him to stay down. He pulled Michaels up and their eyes met. Michaels did another throat slash gesture and slapped Taker. An enraged Taker hit a violent Tombstone and pinned Michaels, ending his career…
After the match, Taker sat on his knees and stared at his defeated and worthy adversary. Taker rose to his feet and limped around the ring as Michaels remained motionless in the ring. Taker posed as the lights went off, fireworks lit up the inside and outside of the arena, and “18-0″ graced the big screen.
The lights went back on and Taker pulled Shawn to his feet. They locked eyes, shook hands, and hugged. Taker, in a respectful move, left the ring as the crowd paid their last respects to Shawn Michaels and his legendary career.
Shawn thanked the crowd as they thanked him. He had a look of relief and content on his nearly tear soaked face. King called it “the ultimate WrestleMania moment.” Shawn left the ring and shook hands with the fans as he walked up the ramp. He applauded the crowd as he took one final look. “Goodbye, we’ll miss you,” said King…
Watch Wrestlemania 26 Live Stream Online Free
Wrestlemania 26 Live Stream Free: Where Can I Watch Wrestlemania 26 Online for Free? – This is the most awaited event that is on the set tonight, Get ready to watch live video of Wrestlemania 26 World Wrestling Entertainment. People on the internet are looking for the live coverage of Wrestlemania 26 World Wrestling Entertainment. There are many ways to watch live streaming Wrestlemania 26 World Wrestling Entertainment on the internet.
Watch Wrestlemania 26 online live stream on my website tonight. I will be streaming starting now actually, just trying to gather all of the people that i can to get them in before the show ends. i hope to hear from you all soon.
The best way to watch Wrestlemania 26 World Wrestling Entertainment is get live coverage on your hd television. Which is best way to watch Wrestlemania 26 World Wrestling Entertainment. You can get local listings from the official website of Wrestlemania 26 World Wrestling Entertainment to watch Wrestlemania 26 World Wrestling Entertainment.
The complete list of the matches includes:
* The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
* Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon
* WWE Champion Batista vs. John Cena
* World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. Edge
* Money in the Bank Ladder Match
* Unified Tag Team Champion Big Show & The Miz vs. John Morrison & R-Truth
* Triple H vs. Sheamus
* Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Cody Rhodes (Triple Threat Match)
* CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio
* 10-Diva Tag Team Match
Paige Birgfeld Body Found
There are several unconfirmed reports suggesting the body of a single mother Paige Birgfeld has been found. Paige, a 34-year-old white Colorado woman went missing in the year 2007 and ever since; no one ever saw her alive. However, no official or police statements have been released on the issue yet.
According to the details it was a baffling case for the Colorado authorities that initially believed it might have been a case of ‘staged’ disappearance on part of Paige when she went missing mysteriously on June 28, 2007. The Sheriff’s Department Mesa County had, however, declared it a case of ‘missing person’ and one of their spokesmen Heather Gierhart had reported to the media in the month of July that year that police deputies were still unable to determine whether Paige walked away from Grand Junction or someone else was involved to take her away.
Things were pretty confusing since the red coloured Ford Focus vehicle that belonged to Paige was later found in the parking lot of a business, ablaze. The place was some two miles distant from where she lived in her family home. An act of vandalism was the first thing police believed.
Her disappearance was notified by family on June 30 and they strongly believed there was foul play involved and that a modelling agency as well as the escort service did have some link with Paige’s case where she had day and night jobs, respectively. Frank Birgfeld the father of victim informed the media and police authorities that there never was any sign of trouble with his daughter, howsoever.
However, there was mention of a person Rob Dixon that was identified as Paige’s ex-husband whom Paige and even her three children feared to be dangerous. It was revealed later that Dixon indeed was arrested on harassment charges. Dixon was ‘cleared’ by police when subsequently questioned about Paige’s disappearance but found nothing suspicious about him. Five-foot-four Paige with sandy haired white female wore strapless shirt or top of blue colour alongside short denims the day she vanished.
Lets hope the claims are true and a body found, if any, might solve the mystery. Updates on the same are awaited.
UFC 111: Exclusive Georges St. Pierre vs. Dan Hardy Weigh-In
While we wait for New York to sanction mixed martial arts, the UFC returns to the Metropolitan area this evening for UFC 111: Georges St. Pierre vs. Dan Hardy. The card features two title fights, St. Pierre vs. Hardy for the UFC Welterweight Title and former Heavyweight champion Frank Mir vs. undefeated Shane Carwin in a five-round interim title fight to determine the first opponent for Brock Lesnar upon his return to the Octagon.
UFC 111 Live Stream
UFC 111 Live Stream. UFC 111 is here and every MMA fanatics who could not get a crack at the paid viewing would like to fing some live streaming video of the fights. The most awaited match here is between Shane Carwin, the undefeated Engineer, against the two-time Heavyweight world champion, Frank Mir.
Wow, Mir VS Carwin, many people would be looking for this fight's live stream now. Another match to watch out for is the one between Dan Hardy and Georges St-Pierre. Well, I am betting on Georges St-Pierre, even if Hardy is one good fighter, I really think that St-Pierre will prevail.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Ultimate Fighting Championship returns to the East Coast tonight with a championship double-header. UFC welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre looks to defend his belt against hard-hitting Brit Dan Hardy, while Frank Mir and Shane Carwin vie for the interim heavyweight crown and a shot at current champion Brock Lesnar in July.
UFC 111 airs live on pay-per-view at 10 p.m. ET. will be providing full coverage of tonight’s event, starting with the preliminary bouts, which are expected to start at approximately 7:30 p.m. ET. At least two preliminary bouts will air on Spike TV at 9 p.m. ET.
Refresh this page frequently for the latest results and play-by-play...
LIVE at the Kids Choice Awards 2010 Justin Bieber singing Baby.
There need to be more surprise slimings. That would really ramp the awards show to "Beyond Awesome."
* The opening number with Kevin James had a surprise appearance by Adam Sandler dressed as an angel, who seemed to be having a ball. As he was singing "Do a little dance, make a lotta noise, get slimed tonight," Sandler could not stop laughing.
* There was an on-going Ultimate Dance Smackdown. During the Bollywood number, I ask excitedly, "Are those the 'Mary Poppins' penguins?" and my boyfriend looks up and goes, "Nope, no bowties. Imposters."
# The opening number with Kevin James had a surprise appearance by Adam Sandler dressed as an angel, who seemed to be having a ball. As he was singing "Do a little dance, make a lotta noise, get slimed tonight," Sandler could not stop laughing.
# There was an on-going Ultimate Dance Smackdown. During the Bollywood number, I ask excitedly, "Are those the 'Mary Poppins' penguins?" and my boyfriend looks up and goes, "Nope, no bowties. Imposters."
# Rihanna performed in a cute dress but it was very going-through-the-motions. The robots on stage with her were less robotic.
# Did everyone catch the Beyonce getting slimed commercial? Now that was hilarious.
# The kid on fast-forward who was revealing some of the awards during commercial breaks was terrifying. He is going to haunt my dreams. Though he did tell us that Taylor Swift is the Favorite Female Singer, "American Idol" is the Favorite Reality Show and Jacob/Bella is the Cutest Couple. That right there makes us think the majority of kids see "Twilight" on the big screen and haven't actually read the books.
# Apparently host Kevin James thinks feeding a creepy ventriloquist dummy is what makes the show "beyond awesome." I can only think, "Saw a dummy. Gave me the wig."
# Katy Perry is some mermaid-Misfits-from-"Jem"-"Mean Girls"-plastic hybrid and it's terrifying. But her getting slimed? Hilarious, especially when she falls down.
# It was disappointing that Cory Monteith and Lea Michele from "Glee" weren't slimed because you could tell Lea was really dreading it.
# When Jonah Hill opens the envelope for Favorite TV Actress, he goes, "And the winner is ... 'Precious.'" Snerk.
# Justin Bieber performs and sorry, but he's not that great a singer live. He does have his own Sanjaya-crying-girl though.
# When Zachary Levi accepts for "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel,"he goes, "And to 'Twilight' ... sorry!'"
# Tina Fey and Steve Carell just had to stand there and get slimed. They couldn't even feign surprise. Fey's delayed-reaction scream really sold teh moment.
# All the build up to Apolo Anton Ohno's catapult slime stunt and then A) I'm worried about him getting hurt and then B) It's totally fake. Weak.
LIVE at the 23rd Kids’ Choice Awards – 2010 Winners
Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart beat out the Obamas at the Kids’ Choice Awards to win the prize for favorite cutest couple. Michelle Obama, however, was given a special award for her work with kids.
The annual awards, held at UCLA’s Pauley Pavilion, aired tonight on Nickelodeon. They regularly feature whimsical award categories, and celebrities on the show are traditionally coated with green slime for the amusement of young fans.
Other winners on tonight’s show:
First Lady Obama, who won the Big Help Award for her work on getting kids to lead healthy lives.
Favorite TV Show: “iCarly.”
Favorite TV Actor: Dylan Sprouse, who beat out his twin brother and co-star, Cole Sprouse.
Favorite TV Actress: Selena Gomez, star of “Wizards of Waverly Place.”
Favorite Music Group: Black Eyed Peas.
Favorite Female Singer: Taylor Swift.
Favorite Male Singer: Jay-Z.
Favorite Song: “You Belong With Me,” by Taylor Swift.
Favorite Movie: “Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel.”
Favorite Movie Actor: Taylor Lautner.
Favorite Movie Actress: Miley Cyrus, who beat out Oscar-winner Sandra Bullock.
Favorite Cartoon: “Sponge Bob Square Pants.”
Favorite Reality Show: “American Idol.”
Favorite Female Athlete: Misty May Treanor.
Favorite Male Athlete: Ryan Sheckler, a skateboarder, who beat out LeBron James.
Favorite Book: “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series, which won over “Twilight.”
Favorite Animated Movie: “Up.”
Favorite Voice from an Animated Movie: Jim Carrey, “A Christmas Carol.”
Favorite Video Game: Mario Kart
Joe Biden Drops F-Bomb at HC Signing
What Did Biden Say To Obama During Yesterday's Health Care Bill Signing? Joe Biden Dropped an F-Bomb During the Today's Historic Health Care Bill Signing. The VP Told Barack Obama That This the Bill Was a 'Big F---king Deal.'
Apparently Vice-President Joe Biden is really f---ing excited about health care reform. As Biden introduced US President Barack Obama, who was about to sign the new health care bill, Biden got a little carried away.
What Did Biden Say To Obama?After Joe Biden introduced Obama, he shook the president's hand and told him, "this is a big fucking deal!".The Joe Biden F-Bomb was barely picked up by a microphone, but could be clearly heard on the
Barack Obama Health Care Bill signing.So Joe Biden Used an F-Bomb. What's the Big F---ing Deal?
Indeed, judging by reactions on both sides of the political spectrum, this is a big f---ing deal.
There are a couple of ways to look at the Joe Biden F Bomb. Some could say that he was just being exuberant and used a little salty language. It's not like he's the first politician to use an F Bomb in the White House. To some, Biden's F Bomb accurately described just how excited they were about having the Health Care Bill passed.
Joe Biden: A History of Verbal Gaffes
To critics, this will no doubt be considered another Joe Biden gaffe. The verbose Biden has a reputation for putting his foot in the mouth. Of course, many would say that when you say as many words as our Vice-President, a few of them are bound to be F Bombs.
Joe Biden F-Bomb Video:Joe Biden Gaffes – Joe Biden F-Bomb/Joe Biden Gaffes video can be found here.
Vice President Joe Biden who was maybe too excited at the signing of Obama’s health care reform accidentally dropped an F-bomb on live television while congratulating the president. Biden turned to Obama and said:Best pricing for camping hiking flu emergency & survival
Joe Biden F-Bomb Video:Joe Biden Gaffes – Joe Biden F-Bomb/Joe Biden Gaffes video can be found here.
Vice President Joe Biden who was maybe too excited at the signing of Obama’s health care reform accidentally dropped an F-bomb on live television while congratulating the president. Biden turned to Obama and said:
The White House is not too upset at Biden’s comment seeing that the Press Secretary Robert Gibbs just tweeted:Are you shocked by Biden’s latest gaffe?
That’s all we have for now on Joe Biden F-Bomb Video:Joe Biden Gaffes.By now you’ve probably seen the video cycling through the Internet of Vice President Joe Biden saying, “This is a big f*cking deal” upon President Barack Obama signing health care reform into law. Did you, however, know that you can now buy a whole lot of ugly swag commemorating the event? Allow me to share the joy of this hideous schlock.
The video has hundred of thousands of views spread out over its many iterations, as well as its own Twitter feed, website and haiku contest — so it’s only natural that you’d want to wear the phrase plastered across you butt. Right?
Watch UNI vs Michigan State Basketball Game Full Video Online Here
UNI vs Michigan State, Duke vs Purdue: NCAA Bracket 2010 Update & Sweet 16 highlights. Duke is on the verge of creating history. Its coach Mike Krzyzewski knows this well. And his team members are already readying themselves for the big fight against number four seed Purdue (29-5).
Till the Blue Devils (31-5) have topped in the South Regional.
In the tournament, Duke’s performance till now has been spectacular. It leads other teams with a .750 winning percentage. However, this has not helped it to reach the top four in the last five seasons. The team has failed to perform at the top level. And in 2007-8 its position was bad. It couldn’t even survive the opening weekend.
And since the coach has been under pressure to perform. But Krzyzewski is not happy with it. He says that under his guidance the performance of the team has improved immensely. Citing statistics, he says his team has been able to win 111 matches in the past four seasons.
“Since and never,” Krzyzewski said. “Try to look at those words and see which category you would rather be in. We like being in the ‘since’ category.”Tournament 2010 LIVE SCORES: Tennessee Volunteers beat Ohio State Buckeyes 76-73 and enters Elite 8 for the first time in NCAA College Basketball history.
The Tennessee vs Ohio State match in Midwest Regional Semifinals begun in St. Louis, Missouri at 7:07 PM ET.
It is Tennessee Volunteers’ third trip to the regional semifinals in four years – it missed last season – and sixth overall.
The Vols (27-8) are trying to get to the regional finals for the first time, but the Ohio State Buckeyes (29-7) have player of the year candidate Evan Turner, sharpshooter Jon Diebler and two other players who could go off for double figures, observers say.
Today (Friday) evening the following four college basketball teams are playing in the NCAA Basketball 2010 tournament Sweet Sixteen.
Biden Drops The F-Bomb?
US Vice President Joe Biden let out an over zealous reaction as President Barack Obama signed historic health reform into law.
The gaffe-prone vice president was said to have remarked aside to his boss, "This is a big f------ deal," meant for Obama's ears only.
But the expletive was picked up on television microphones and later went on to become a "a big deal" in cable news and channels, The Telegraph reported.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs apparently scaled down the latest faux pas by the vice president.
"And yes, Mr Vice President, you're right," he wrote on his Twitter page. (ANI)
Sandra Bullock Pregnant?
LOS ANGELES ( Even before the gossip mongers of Hollywood can have enough of the clandestine affairs of Jesse James, the philandering husband of actress Sandra Bullock, another rumor has surfaced in the web. The actress who has withdrawn into a shell post the shocking revelation of the affairs of her husband is said to be pregnant. However, it is yet to be known if it is a rumor or there is some amount of truth behind it. The actress has not opened her mouth on the issue. Of late, she has stopped making media appearances altogether. If the latest reports are to be believed, the actress is separated from her husband and she is reportedly in Texas.
Whether Sandra Bullock is really pregnant or not remains to be known but the rumor has already spread like wildfire on the Internet. The actress recently found some consolation from Betty White, who slammed her erring spouse for cheating her at a time when her career is going great guns. The actress is shocked at the exposure of the secret affairs her husband had with a number of women including tattoo model Michelle McGee. The actress won the Oscar for best actress in Academy Awards this year. Little did she know that her world would come crushing down at that time.
If the pregnancy reports of Sandra Bullock are found to be true, that will put her in a more critical situation for sure. The actress is trying to cope with the scandal and recover gradually. She has got some sympathizers in the industry but more than them, she needs the determination to start life afresh.