The Bachelor After The Final Rose 2010, Do you feel bad for me that I have to sit and watch three un-DVRed hours of The Bachelor? I feel bad for me. At least there’s that last Dancing With the Stars cast reveal to look forward to. Will it be Paula Abdul? Please let it be Paula Abdul.
10:01 Tenley comes out first, and Chris Harrison pounds home the fact that she lost, trying to get some tears.
10:11 “It sounds like you have a lot of…issues,” Chris tells Tenley. Lots of unanswered questions that we’ll get to aaaafter the break.
10:15 WHAT. Jake is the last Dancing With the Stars contestant. What a kick to the proverbial balls, ABC.
10:17 Jake comes out and hugs Tenley. She says he smells “so good” and touches him weirdly in the way that she does. She asks if he’s happy. “I am,” he says. She asks what was missing between them. He says he still can’t really say it in words. She asks what he meant by the missing “physical connection.” Um, isn’t that self-explanatory? Then she asks if he thinks it was unfair for him to propose to Vienna if he really did feel strongly towards her as well? He tries to be nice and say that it was hard, but he felt confident with his decision. Tenley, sweetie, he could very easily say, “Listen trick, I’m just not that into you” but he’s trying to be nice. Let it go.
10:27 With Tenley shuffled off the stage, Jake calls Vienna his “baby,” then talks about the “heat” of their relationship. Ew. More recaps of recaps of recaps of Jake’s feelings. Chris mentions Jake’s “Mesnick,” aka grabbing a railing and crying for dear life.
10:31 Oh hey, the big Bachelorette reveal is coming up. That’ll get me through this slog. It’s the little things.
10:37 Vienna comes out to join Jake on stage, in the happy couple’s first public appearance together. They talk about how hard it’s been to keep their relationship a secret. I’m not sure people onthe Bachelor fully understand the definition of the word “hard.”