
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

George Huguely Accused of Murder of Schoolmate and Ex-girlfriend

University of Virginia student George Huguely has been arrested for murder of Yeardley Love, 22, of Baltimore County. Lacrosse player Yeardley Love was found dead in her apartment at Charlottesville on Monday at around 2:15 am.
It was her roommate that first discovered the lifeless, physically tortured body and informed the police about the matter.

When police arrived at the crime scene, the body of Yeardley Love had visible signs of torture and trauma. Later they were informed that George Huguely was Love’s former boyfriend. Huguely is also a member of the Lacrosse team. He was immediately put into questioning and booked at the Regional Jail.

Meanwhile, police are still waiting for an autopsy of Love to determine the cause of death and are still gathering further evidences. However, the reason for connection of Huguely to the murder is still undefined by the authorities.

The University of Virginia campus was openly shocked and devastated by the news. “This death moves us to deep anguish for the loss of a student of uncommon talent and promise,” U-Va. President John Casteen said.
