Joslyn James published Tiger Woods’ text messages: Joslyn James, who claimed that she had a three-year intimate relationship with Tiger Woods, posted text messages online Thursday that she says the golfer sent her last year.
Veronica Siwik Daniels, the real name of Joslyn James, is one of Tiger’s many alleged mistresses. The former porn star claims that she and the golfer had unprotected sex several times and became pregnant by him twice. She said her first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and the second in an abortion.
James has set up a website featuring X-rated text messages she claims were sent to her by the golfer. The Web site displayed 120 text messages purported to have been sent to her by Woods between July and October of last year.
“I just wanted to let the public know what the relationship was and that he has not taken responsibility for his behavior,” said James explaining her actions.