
Friday, March 19, 2010

Tiger Woods Sex Text Messages to Joslyn James video

Tiger Woods’s alleged mistresses Joslyn James has posted a series of test messages on website which she claims that Tiger sent her last year. Former porn star said that she posted the text messages to make it easier for others to draw a conclusion. During an interview Joslyn James said that she had relation with golfer but now he is not ready to take the responsibility of his behavior.

A report says that the porn actress tried to cash in with various media outlets on the explicit texts but she couldn’t get any positive response then she created her own website to expose her relation with famous golfer. On Thursday she has posted more than 100 text messages on her website Everything is clear now because most of the messages even provide the details of hotel rooms and timings where they met last year.
Tiger Wood is facing the same situation for months and last month in a press conference he apology for it. These affairs have affected his personal life badly. Joslyn James is one of Tiger’s many alleged mistresses and she asked Tiger last month to acknowledge their affair during the press conference which held last month. Joslyn James said that “I just wanted to let the public know what the relationship was and that he has not taken responsibility for his behavior.”
