
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

'American Idol': Results guests Brooke White, Justin Gaston from 'If I Can Dream'

So it looks like we have found out who the special guests are on the "American Idol" live results show for Wednesday, April 14. Season 7 finalist Brooke White has posted on her website, "Check out Brooke's performance on 'American Idol' on April 14th at 7 pm pst."

The cat seems to be out of that bag, no? Brooke has also been exchanging tweets with Justin Gaston from the "If I Can Dream" house and she appears to have been in the previews for the next episode of the web series (below).

Finally, there is the fact that the song "If I Can Dream" is an Elvis hit from 1968, which would fit right in since the rumored theme for the Adam Lambert-mentored week is Elvis. So Brooke White is coming back to "Idol!" Yay. We aren't sure how we feel about Justin Gaston -- we don't know much about him, except that he was on "Nashville Star" a couple years ago.
